This method utilizes the reduction of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) by hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid.
This method is suitable for measuring aqueous solutions of H2O2 ranging from 0.25 to 70 wt.%.
Any substance which reduces KMnO4 under acidic conditions will produce a positive interference.
Please consult Safety and Handling guidelines (see here), particularly as relates to personal protective clothing and footware. Neoprene or PVC aprons are recommended, as are monogoggles and neoprene rubber gloves. Sample bottles containing H2O2 should not be stoppered, but rather vented or covered loosely with aluminum foil or paraffin film. Solutions withdrawn from a sample bottle should not be returned to that bottle but should be flushed down the drain with plenty of water. Any spills should be flushed with water immediately as should any combustible materials which should come into contact with H2O2. Do not use adsorbent media to clean up H2O2 spills.
Expected H2O2 Concentration (wt.%) | Suggested Sample Amount (gms) |
0.25-1.0 | 100-250 |
1-3 | 30-100 |
3-10 | 10-30 |
10-35 | 3-10 |
35-70 | 1.5-3.0 |
% H2O2 (by weight) = [(mLs KMnO4) x (N) x (0.01701) x (1000)] / (grams of H2O2 sample used) where: N = Normality of the standardized potassium permanganate
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Glen Allen, VA 23060
Toll-free (800) 851-8527
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London, Ontario N5V 4T7
Toll-free (800) 851-8527
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