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Odor Control of Wastewater Containing Leachate in a 14 Mile Sewer


In August of 2012, Monroe County DES initiated a demonstration of Peroxide Regenerated Iron – Sulfide Control (PRI-SC®) technology as a performance improvement over the existing hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide odor and corrosion control program. This demonstration was designed to control hydrogen sulfide (H2S) odors and corrosion along a line from Mill Seat Landfill PS where landfill leachate is introduced into the collection system along the Churchville force Main and gravity line (hereafter referred to as the “Churchville Line”) through to the Gates-Chili-Ogden (GCO) pump station. The program was specifically designed to moderate peak sulfide levels at critical points to lessen and eliminate odor complaints as well as moderate corrosion. It was designed to dovetail with peroxide feed at the GCO pump station to reduce the H2S loading entering the GCO Lift Station and reduce peroxide usage for sulfide control further downstream to the critical odor control point at Shaft 2. Shaft 2 is located on a small green area in the middle of a densely populated residential section of Rochester and was heretofore a source of multiple odor complaints.

The demonstration of PRI-SC® technology from the Mill Seat Landfill PS through the Churchville line to the GCO Lift Station provided odor and corrosion control in an additional 22.5 kilometers (14 miles) of pipe along the Churchville force main and gravity line, from Mill Seat PS to the GCO PS, while enhancing the GCO/Shaft 2 odor and corrosion control program at comparable cost to the current peroxide and bleach program.

KEYWORDS: Monroe County DES Pure Waters, Leachate, Hydrogen Sulfide, PRI-SC®, Hydrogen Peroxide, Iron Salts, Odor Control, Corrosion Control, Collection System, Wastewater

Read More

Download Monroe PRI-SC – Leachate – WEF Odor Conference 2013 (pdf)

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