Corrosion of collection system piping and components has become a big problem for many municipalities trying to handle growth while obtaining the maximum service life for existing collection system infrastructure. The goal of this paper is to present the results of a trial initiated in August 2005 by The Regional Municipality of York (York Region) to quantify the impacts of Peroxide Regenerated Iron-Sulfide Control (PRI-SC) for control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in a long retention time section of the collection system. Results showed that PRI-SC technology was able to provide significant reductions of H2S over a 12 hour retention time section of the collection system. In most sections that were monitored, the reduction of H2S was over 90% in both the gas and liquid phase. The Aurora forcemain discharges displayed a unique dose response during the trial due to gas pocketing and high turbulence at the discharge structures. Further monitoring at manholes immediately downstream from the Aurora forcemain discharges confirmed the hypothesis of gas pocketing at the discharge structures. Sections further downstream of the areas of interest in the Southeast Collector also showed some reductions in H2S levels. As expected, the levels of reduction were less than in the upstream sections due to additional H2S loaded wastewater mixing with the treated wastewater.
Keywords The Regional Municipality of York, Hydrogen Sulfide, PRI-SC, Hydrogen Peroxide, Iron Salts, Odor Control, Corrosion Control, Collection System, Wastewater
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